Metropolitan Wells

$1.8 million

During the summer of 2014 numerous challenges to the City’s water system needed to be addressed, including: the State Water Board’s curtailment of the City’s right to access water from the Eel River, limiting use to a maximum of 50 gallons per person per day with the threat of heavy penalties; record low flows in the Eel River and the possibility that the City’s water intake system would fail; the potential that the extreme drought conditions could last many more years. In response the City redeveloped the Metropolitan Wells water source as an emergency backup to the City’s main water supply, providing redundant water supply security for Rio Dell. The project received generous funding from the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (Proposition 84), United States Department of Agriculture and the State water Board (Proposition 1).

Photo of groundbreaking at the Metro Wells project
Members of the City Council and representatives from state, federal and county governments on hand for the official ground breaking ceremony.

Photo of facility under construction
The facility under construction in September of 2017.